Scroll down for a list of the publishers who took part in the Online Small Publishers Fair 2021. You’ll find a short description, website link and an image for each one.
Anne Rook
Animation, multi-media, installation and book artist, Anne Rook is based in London. Publications feature fruit labels, drawing and short poetical prose.

ANTIC-HAM was born in Seoul and lives in Ireland. She makes artist books using photographs, collage, drawings, silkscreen printing and writing.

Antic-Ham, 2020
Bad Betty Press
Publisher of new poetry, run by poets Amy Acre and Jake Wild Hall. Collections, anthologies, pamphlets, and limited edition mini-pamphlet series Bad Betty Shots. Rooted in live poetry. London-based.

Post-digital research platform, artist book press and publisher at University for the Creative Arts in Farnham. Director Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Critical writing, experimentation, collaboration and research.

CB Editions
Short fiction, poetry, translations and other work which ‘might otherwise fall through the cracks…’ (The Guardian). The press of London-based poet, writer and editor Charles Boyle.

Independent publishing house championing engaging and inspirational graphic novels and comics including a wide variety of books meant to be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Clod Magazine & Books
Home of the satirical ‘Clod’, using anecdotal ridicule to drag the concept of ‘zine’ through the dirt and beyond. Also poetic, esoteric, off-shoot editions.
Clod Magazine | Dada punk literature | Luton

Corbel Stone Press
Multi-media publisher based in Scotland, focused on landscape, nature and mythology. Beautiful books, pamphlets, CDs, cassettes, records, artworks and editions, plus biannual literary journal Reliquiae.

Corinne Welch
Bristol-based designer, illustrator and book artist. Colourful little books and editions use collage, rubber stamps, hand-drawing, digital and traditional printmaking.

Dunlin Press
Founded by poet MW Bewick and artist Ella Johnston, and based in Wivenhoe, Essex. Publisher of narrative non-fiction, poetry, experimental texts, photo-essays, art and illustration.

Egidija Čiricaitė
London-based artist, poet and PhD candidate at the Slade and UCL Linguistics. Ethereal layers of language. Collaborative and independent publishing projects.

Essence Press
Artist, curator and publisher Julie Johnstone is based in Edinburgh. She makes handbound poem objects, artist books and minimal text works – some in collaboration with other artists and poets .

Estepa Editions
Kate Van Houten is an American artist, writer, editor, printmaker and binder who is based in Paris. Limited edition small books – some collaborations, and ‘one-of -a-kinds’.

Fine Press Poetry
Letterpress printed illustrated poetry editions by major poets including Armitage, Duffy, Longley and Muldoon. Founded 2013 by Andrew Moorhouse. Based in Rochdale.

Gordian Projects
Sheffield-based imprint. Editors: Judit Bodor, Emma Bolland, and Tom Rodgers. Small editions using art and language to explore the intersections of image, literatures, artists’ books, and archive.

Guy Bigland
Artist and book seller. Artist’s books, editions and ephemera exploring systems and language. Lives and works in Bath.

HVTN Press
Artist’s Poetry press edited by Andrew Wells and Iris Colomb. Their new Interruptions imprint seeks poetic artists’ books. Recent authors – Roseanna A. Boswell, Sarah Dawson, Rose Hunter, Vik Shirley, Lizzy Turner and Joseph Turrent.

John Dilnot
Artist and printmaker, making books since 1985 as an integral part of his practice. Also makes prints, paintings and box works. Based in East Sussex.

Les Fugitives
Short contemporary works by female authors, translated from the French, hitherto unpublished in the UK. Critically acclaimed, ground-breaking literary fiction, narrative non-fiction and works that defy categorisation. London-based, led by translator Cécile Menon.

Longbarrow Press
Poetry publisher exploring the intersections of landscape, history and memory. Hardbacks, pamphlets, boxes and CDs, readings and walks. Edited by Brian Lewis and based in Sheffield.

The imprint of Sharon Kivland: artist, writer, editor, based in London. Essays, experimental fiction, critical writing, and writing about reading and re-reading.

Mike Clements
Fine art printmaker and book artist working in the Border Marches. His ideas come from close observation of the world around him, often focusing on quirky aspects of life.

Occasional Papers
London-based non-profit publisher of affordable books on the histories of architecture, art, design, film and literature.

Red Sphinx
Berlin-based press of English artist, editor and translator Malcolm Green. Artist’s books, Berlin-based press of English artist, editor and translator Malcolm Green. Artist’s books, postcards, and Seedy CDs. Fluxus, pataphysics, founding member of the Dieter Roth Academy.

Veer Books / Veer 2
Poetry that goes beyond boundaries, an emphasis on non-normative and challenging work. Speedy turn-around publishing schedule, often with younger writers at the forefront. Experimental work and translations. Based between Birkbeck College and University of Surrey.